One difficult aspect of domestic violence, verbal abuse, and sexual abuse, is you as the victim remember everything. Your remember his tone of voice, where the children were, what conditions existed that gave you the illusion that you had no choice, and had to submit. You remember the smells, and even every one of the millions of thoughts that raced through your mind.
But here is the catcher: during events significant to the individual, or emotional stirring events, the brain releases more chemicals that bond memories. Meaning we remember the events that are significant to us.
Too often the abusers see nothing emotionally stirring about the event, or feel the significance of what they are doing. They really don't care. The abuser often remembers little, because quite honestly, they really don't care.
While what they did to you was so meaningful and destructive to you, it means absolutely nothing to the perpetrator and never will. You of course, remember absolutely everything.