A child's cry for Attention

What is the difference between a child's "Cry for Attention", and a child's cry for help. 

The listener.  A child has the God give right to love and attention of their parents or guardians.  A child deprived of the love and attention of their parent will begin to act out.

A Parent who doesn't want to be troubled by their children will say, "It's just a cry for attention.  Don't feed it." 

A Parent who genuinely loves their children will realize they need to at least spend more time with their child to make a difference.


Just me said…
hi, just wanted to thank you for this blog. I'm recovering from an abusive ex and so much of what you write strikes a chord xxx
william said…
hi, really very well said the difference given in the blog is really very good and even conveying the message to all parents. thanks William C. Behrndt