Healing from Trauma

You may find your friend, who is trying to heal from a life distress annoying as they talk and think ceaselessly about the cause of their serious distress. A serious life crises can take weeks, days, months, or even years for the individual to process. Talking about, and processing the trauma is essential for the individual to survive the trauma and move on. A great example of this was the aftermath of WWII. We all know the endless stories of the terrible atrocities committed during WWII. After the War, we had the Iron Curtain. On the West Side of the Iron Curtain, there was Freedom of Speech. People talked about what happened, documented it, made movies of it, made memorials to it, endless WWII sagas of it, learned from it. The individuals who's actions proved more serious, were taken to court and punished accordingly. The neighbors of the death camps, were brought in to the death camps to witness to the world, that which they chose to ignore. On the other side of the Iron Curtain, was silenced. All of the countries taken over by the Soviet Union, were condemned to not speak of what happened to them and their families, and neighbors, and loved ones. 40+ years later, when the Iron Curtain fell, on the West Side of the curtain, the countries who experienced overwhelming atrocities, had dealt with their trauma sufficiently and moved on. On the East Side of the Iron Curtain, nothing was dealt with. Old festering, unhealed wounds grew. Warmongers took advantage of this, and provoked the people to violence. Eastern Europe fell into War and Chaos after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Let your friends and loved ones heal. Let them tire you with their stories repeated for the umpteenth time. Forgive them of their endless banter. Be there for them. Listen. Understand. Be there.
