The Sins of the Children

One basic tenant of the LDS faith is this:  If you are given the fulness of the gospel, then fail to serve and teach your children, then their sins are on you.   If you bail out of parenting because it's just too hard, your kids are to difficult or whatever, and they fall, and then your grandchildren fall, and so on, its all on you.  On the other hand, if you stay devoted, keep your covenants, do all you can do, set a good example, love them unconditionally, serve them, leave the ninety and nine to go rescue them, and they still go astray, both you and your child will be blessed despite their seeming unresponsiveness.  If you stay in the game and screw up while in the parenting trenches, you are blessed.  A child Born Under the Covenant is a sacred obligation that cannot be discarded.  No child can be discarded.  A child Born Under the Covenant has parents under extra obligations and commitment that cannot be discarded even after death.  A parent who bails takes upon them the sins and afflictions of their children and all the generations that follow.  God will not be mocked.
