I kept all my covenants. All of them. Someone had to. I love my children and my relationship with God.
I tried to teach him about power over self, by showing kindness when abused.
I always tried to teach him.
From the beginning I had the power to take everything away. But, when I prayed I was counseled to keep him in the picture, to keep him in the children's lives even though the cost would be high.
I would never give that advice to anyone who was in my position. I may never know why I was told to keep him in the picture. The costs were high. Every chance I could, I tried to teach him how to be a decent human being. How to love your children. How to love, how to turn the other cheek.
How to define yourself by your own actions.
Our children needed him, they need him to love and live up to being worthy to be a father.
As a mother, I felt like an umbrella to a lava blowing volcano.
We can choose goodness despite the actions of others.
I loved freely. I loved absolutely. I loved.
I stand worthy before God for all God's blessings. I learned a whole lot more than I ever taught.